Our return/exchange policy is the same as products sold by Amazon.ca. We offer a 30-day money back guarantee. As the buyer, you pay return shipping costs unless the product is defective. We do not charge a restocking fee if the product is returned in its original condition.

To return the product, please follow the instructions on Amazon.ca, which include below for your convenience:

  1. Go to the Online Returns Center on your Amazon, and click Return items.
  2. Find the order you want to return, and click Return an item from this order.Note: If you don’t see the order you’re looking for, select another option from the See more menu, and then click Go.
  3. Select the items you want to return.
  4. Enter the quantity of items, select an option from the Reason for return menu, and then add any additional information in the Comments box.
  5. To continue, select your return option.
  6. Select your preferred return shipping method.
  7. Print your label and return authorization. Some returns will not require you to print a label or authorization. If you don’t have a printer when you’re completing your return, you will be able to print it later (Amazon will e-mail you a link to your label) or you can have someone else print your label for you.
  8. Put the return authorization inside of your package and attach the label to the outside.

If you prefer to exchange or replace the item instead of receiving a refund, you can find the instructions using this link.